Peace and reconciliation starts with each of us
I believe in South Sudan and all that makes it so. Do you know why? Let me explain it to you and maybe you will nod and say yes, she is right.

Imposed peace deal will not hold because the region’s leaders are dishonest
After violence broke out because of disputed presidential election results in Kenya in 2007, the world community descended on Kenya and made Kenyans to sign a peace agreement, with the hope that it will help to bring lasting peace in the country. This has not happened. It just brought a lull in the fighting.

Like the phoenix, South Sudan must rise from the ashes
The other day I sat down for tea with a friend and she asked a powerful question, “Do you think the two year old in the camp understands why he has no clothes or does not get enough food or enough water? Do you think he understands the political situation in the country?”

We welcome peace talks from Kiir and Machar, but…
South Sudan has just celebrated its 3rd independence anniversary, at a time when the country is at war against itself. Various parts of the country are experiencing instability, while the talk of federalism is also raging.

Home, sweet home...
The bits of memory when she was leaving home… Adults speaking in hurried voices, a tinge of fear and uncertainty. No one knew where the children would end up really but all hoped they would be in a better place. They were loaded into a truck and off they went. But where is granny? Someone find my 'abuba' because I cannot leave without her. What about my friends...oh my cousins can we all go together?

What is wrong with us Africans?
Africa is said to be one of the most endowed continents in terms of natural resources, compared to other continents of the world. And that is not all; Africa is also blessed with many people and a rich spiritual heritage.