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Is taking the Lord's name in vain still a big deal?
Well, that depends. Is God still a big deal? If He isn’t, then don’t worry about it, but if He is, then there is a certain degree of reverence that we owe Him.
But this can be a really foreign concept for us for at least two reasons. As a culture, we have lost our natural sense of reverence in general, and a sense of reverence for God’s Name in particular. We tend to honor people the less reverent they can be. You have most likely heard of comedies or comedians described as “irreverently funny." I have had many conversations with people who were intent on convincing me that some joke making fun of Christ or the Catholic Church was actually “really funny," and I would realize it if only I wasn’t so uptight (Ha! Me? Uptight?). Read more on Aleteia

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The greatest LOVE on earth was born unto earth on the coldest day of the year on 25th December. Jesus Christ, born of a Virgin Mary, set the greatest example of LOVE that the world has ever seen or will be seen.

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