New report: one christian killed every hour for faith

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[By CHristianheadlines] Christian persecution is widespread and, according to the magazine Crux, is only increasing in many places.

[By CHristianheadlines] Christian persecution is widespread and, according to the magazine Crux, is only increasing in many places.


Get Religion reports that Crux magazine, which is the Sunday religion magazine published by the Boston Globe, has been covering Christian persecution around the world in a way that few secular magazines are doing.

Crux has been publishing articles that detail brutal Christian persecution in not only the Middle East, but Latin America and Africa as well.

For example, one story of persecution takes place in El Salvador and Bogota, Columbia. Two women, a mother and grandmother, were shot to death within a month of each other, one by a member of a right-wing paramilitary group, and the other by a member of a left-wing guerrilla group. Read more here

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